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Integrity present at the 2016 SEMA Show

Once again, we were present at the SEMA Show getting a peek of the future in the industry. We also acquired two Spanesi frame racks/laser measuring systems.  

Integrity improving our facility with new equipment ​​

Last year was amazing, and this 2015 we have an extraordinary opportunity to improve and keep growing. 


That is why we want to keep improving our facility with new equipment, for example, a Prep Station. 

Integrity improving our facility with new equipment ​​

Last year was amazing, and this 2015 we have an extraordinary opportunity to improve and keep growing. 


That is why we want to keep improving our facility with new equipment, for example, a Prep Station. 

Integrity presenting at the Little Wing Connections Luncheon â€‹â€‹

On May 7th at the Courtyard, Fidel, our general manager presented in this amazing monthly event. 

Integrity present at the 2014 SEMA Show

From November 3rd to November 6th we attended the 2014 SEMA Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. This is one of the most important shows in the country, because they show the latest technology in the automotive industry. 

Proudly supporting boxing in our city

Last Friday August 22nd, we were proud sponsors of Friday Night Boxing. The event was a huge success in our community. We love supporting our city with sporting events, and we look forward for more events in the near future.

Integrity at the 2014 Fairfield's Tomato Festival

On August 15th and 16th, we had a booth and participated in the Tomato Festival. We had the pleasure of meeting great people.

2014 SHCC Mixer at Integrity

On April 16th, 2014 we hosted the mixer for Solano Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. The event was a major success. These are the pictures of that day, and we also have a video that can be found here.

2014 Yippie Foundation Event.

On May 9th, 2014 we were present at the Yippie Foundation Fundraiser in amazing Buck Mansion in Vacaville. Yippie Foundation has such a great cause, helping young men and women get a bright future through employment. Find more information about them, here

2014 May Fair Parade

On May 10th, at 10 AM in the morning, Dixon's parade started and we were part of the amazing event.


Dixon's Fair is the oldest in the state of California, we couldn't be more proud of the Dixon people.


We also did a video of the parade, you may watch it here.

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